Songs of Change @ Activist Camp, 2 July

I’ll be facilitating a workshop called Songs of Change @ Reclaiming Our Future Activist Camp, Enniskerry, 1-2nd July 2016.

Workshop info:

This workshop is open to all regardless of whether you consider yourself to be a good singer  or not. No one will be put on the spot and a safe non judgmental space will be created. First of all, we will explore how singing has been used as a form of self-help, protest and resistance in many contexts all over the world. We will look particularly at musical responses to economic inequality. We’ll then try out some simple songs and vocal exercises to help you find your voices and to inspire and energise you as activists. Lastly, we’ll come up with some original chants about the issues that concern you, demonstrating ways of unleashing our creativity. Facilitator Rachel Dempsey is a singer, ethnomusicolist and development educator who has been facilitating Global Harmonies singing and music workshops for personal, community and global transformation since 1997.

The Camp:

A creative camp for activists, artists & everyone to

  • Work better towards social, economic and environmental change in Ireland,
  • Take creative action: Turn discussion about justice issues into action and try it out,
  • Build creative skills: Make campaign actions creative and learn how to use them for your causes and campaigns,
  • Network & build a community of activists and artists: Get to know and discuss new ideas with like-minded people.


When & Where

Friday 1st July at 12 pm with lunch – Saturday 2nd July at 4.30 pm at Knockree Youth Hostel, Enniskerry, County Wicklow, with an overnight stay.

Costs: 40 Euro waged, 20 Euro unwaged, 20 Euro child, 1 Euro Asylum Seekers. This includes the accommodation for 1 night in a shared room and vegetarian food.

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