Rant, Chant and Plant!: Voicing our need for a Life Sustaining Planet

10am-12.30pm, Saturday 24th March, Clonlea Yoga Studios, Blackrock, Co. Dublin €15 or donate what you can afford


Come along if you are interested in expressing what you feel about our home, Planet Earth, experiencing community singing and chanting simple harmony songs about the Earth together. All welcome, regardless of singing confidence. This workshop is organised by LYCS (Lourdes Youth & Community Services community project in Dublin)  in collaboration with Global Harmonies. 

Rant is for expressing our fears, grief, pain and hopes in relation to what is happening to our home, Planet Earth
Plant is for planting seeds of change, coming from gratitude and turning fear into hope and naming alternatives such as building a community spirit to meet our needs instead of consumerism.
Chant is for singing songs and chants from many cultures together to experience a sense of community first hand and to gain inspiration from cultures still profoundly connected to Mother Earth. 

This workshop is facilitated by Rachel Dempsey who has been running development education training and transformative singing and voice workshops for over 20 years through Global Harmonies.

More info and booking, email [email protected]

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