
Having run Global Harmonies from 1997 to 2021, I am now launching a new venture, Full Circle Change, where I will continue to provide singing workshops and classes in addition to self-care and sustainability offerings. Full Circle Change is all about Self-Care, Singing & Sustainability for People and Planet. Please visit my new website https://fullcirclechange.ie/ to book singing events, forest bathing, sustainability courses and more. This website will remain active for reference only.

Thanks, Rachel Dempsey

Since 1997 Global Harmonies has provided workshops and retreats to promote individual, community and global wellbeing through singing. 

What is on offer?

Global Harmonies has moved weekly sessions online during the Covid pandemic and will also offer some outdoor singing events. At the moment, the following events are booking:

Singing for Wellbeing Online

Forest Song Bath

Hopefully half-day and one-day workshops,  weekend Women’s Eco-Harmony retreats, evening courses and also bespoke workshops for organisations will resume soon. These will take place in Dublin and Wicklow in Ireland.

What are the sessions like?

All workshops and classes are inclusive, nourishing, supportive and safe. It is all about enhancing our mood, mental state, energy levels, immune system, sense of connectivity and overall wellness through singing. They are open to all regardless of any notions of being a ‘singer’ or not, and there is no emphasis on performance. The sessions include nourishing elements such as body work, breathing, vocal warm-ups and vocal production tips, silence and meditation, chants from many world cultures, inspiring songs from all over the world and especially those about connection to nature. There is now a lot of evidence of the benefits of singing

Who is Global Harmonies?

The facilitator, Rachel, has been running Global Harmonies since 1997, and is a highly experienced and intuitive facilitator. She has trained in sound healing, holistic multi-cultural wellness education and has a Masters degree in Ethnomusicology (see dissertation on the healing voice here). She also has experience performing and many years of musical travel and research around the world. 

‘It really encourages the authentic voice, and spontaneity and I love the whole variety of songs, and as we got to know each other, the improvisation was just so in the moment, and that magical quality that wow, we’re doing this happens, it doesn’t happen every day, every where’ 

Participant, Singing Your Cares Away evening course

Women’s Harmony Eco-Retreat 2019
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